Wednesday, May 11, 2011


After class today, some of my classmates started some mind-boggling, pay-attention-and-observe-the-answer-is-right-in-front-of-you kinda puzzles. There were like 4 different puzzles to figure out and well, I couldn't even figure out one.

I gotta admit it made me really frustrated and I still am. But it doesn't really matter now. No point in staying frustrated anyways.

Why I'm bringing this up is cause as we were playing the games, and as I sat there watching the frustration rise in others, I realized something. I've come to realize that we're not satisfied with the answer we get until we figure out how the answer was gotten. We try and try and try all sorts of answers in hopes that we'll get the answer and probably the reasoning behind it. And sometimes when we can't figure out that reasoning, we start getting frustrated at ourselves and everything. We go on for years trying to figure out why. Sometimes it takes us years, even centuries to figure out why and when we finally figure it out, it seems so insignificant and sooner or later, we move on to something else to figure out.

What I've come to learn is to let go of things that I should instead of letting it bring me down. So I'm letting the fact that I couldn't get the answers to any of the puzzles go and moving on. :)