Thursday, April 22, 2010

There's a first for everything.

I think this is the first time I'm preparing so early for a prom. Even when I was an organizer for RC Prom Night in 2008, I don't think I've started thinking about what I want to wear, how my hair's gonna be and all those things.

Prom is like a little less than 2 months away and I'm already thinking about it. XD.

FLOP FLOP! XD. Sorry I was being very random there.

So anyways, going back to the topic, since its almost 2 months away. I'm trying to get into shape for prom. key word, TRYING. XD. Natasha lent me her Seventeen magazine on like prom dresses and tips on how to get into shape and prep for prom. I'm finding it very informative. hahaha. =D.

And Evelyn, Leng Hue and I are planning to go dress shopping together sometime soon I guess. So, I'm half looking forward cause I'll get my friends' opinions and it would be fun.=D. and half NOT looking forward to it cause I hate when I fnd really nice dresses but can't fit into them which makes me feel insecure. So yeah.

I guess that's what I pretty much wanted to blog about.

Haven't really had the mood or stuff to blog about so forgive me if I don't update it as often as I normally do.

P/S : never ask questions for which you're not prepared for the answer. I can't never seem to go to bed before 11.30 no matter how tired I am. And I'm getting more forgetful these day. I opened Google, changed the tab to facebook then went back to Google and totally forgot what I wanted to search for. =_='. Those are very frustrating moments.

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