Thursday, April 1, 2010

I know! =(

My conscience ain't doing me any good. =(. So while I was sitting down to eat my breakfast, I saw this relatively old uncle (about 50's maybe?) carrying like almost 8 bags of lab coats for our college out of the car and onto the walkway. I wanted to help him but I was eating already, so tak akan just leave my food and help him, so I decided to help him after I finished. So I just watched him transfer everything out of the car onto the sidewalk. He had to make like 4-5 trips. While I was eating, he transferred the other bags near the stairs. I really meant to help the uncle after I threw away my plastic and stuff, but by the time I was getting there, he was already going up the stairs with 2 heavy bags of lab coats. And when I left, he was on the second floor stairs.

Okay, I know I was supposed to help an old uncle but but I was scared to ask. I know that's not an excuse but those who know me, I don't exactly like asking strangers whether they need help. I know I should change that. The next time I see an uncle like that (excluding certain situations) I will help me.

I'm feeling superly guilty now. I'm SORRY OLD-UNCLE-CARRYING-HEAVY-LOADS-OF-LAB-COATS.

hmmmm. I wonder why my college is so cruel to not send the uncle help when he's already so old and already doing the lab coats for them. Fine, I admit I'm partly guilty in that also but I'll help next time. =)

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