Yes, as usual I'm in the library to kill my time. Seriously speaking, the library and the cafeteria have become my home in college. If you ever want to find me, just look in the library, if I'm not there I'm at the cafeteria. I'm fully "benefiting" from the money paid for library and computer fees, as my parents would say. My parents seriously told me to come visit the library the first day when I said I had 3 hours to kill before the bus came. Can parents get any nerdy-er. The computer I'm using now isn't cooperating well with me, it keeps hanging. grrr..
Well, today's class was as usual. During individuals (refer to previous post to know what subject I'm talking about), we had to take down notes which I was happy to do. (It was the first class that had started notes). Then came the assignment that's due on tuesday. I regret not going up to my lecturer and verifying with him how to do each topic. Crap. He did explain to us and give us examples but I can't seem to expand my points like the examples. I guess I just have to get it done by monday, ask him to check it and what parts I need to edit. Shitty to know I have so much time to do my assignment but no idea how. Maybe I can go ask Lydia. Hmmmm. I'll go ask.
Did my presentation in data management today. First experience. Not very good. I wrote like all I needed on the slides so I was almost reading from it. Well I know have learned my lesson. hahaha. I tried to remember what I had semi-rehearsed before but as soon as I started talking, poof. The words seemed to tumble out of my mouth. Crapppp!!! Ergghh!! Well, the lecturer did compliment my group on how well we presented. =DD. yay!!
As for English, for the whole period, we did a test. It was more for the benefit of the lecturer to know whether we should be "down-graded" (go to a simpler class). I really hope I don't. I'm already starting to make friends with the people there! NOOO!!! ='(. Plus I want him as my lecturer. Awesome teacher btw. Okay. That's all for now. Gotta rush to the self-check machine to check out the books I plan to borrow. The "joy" of having so much time is I can read ALOT! I finished a relatively thick book in one day. XD.
Bye people. Till next time. ;D.
I sound like some game show host or something. =.=
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