Thursday, June 10, 2010

It's Done!! =D

Finals are finally done! Yay!!! =D

Holidays are here! No more waking up at 6 am! *extra happy smiley*

Okay I should have a checklist of what I want to get done by this holidays.
I might either re-edit this later with the list or I might put it on the column at the side so look out for it if you wanna know what I'm planning for my holidays. hahaha. and I think I would be doing the latter. XD

The next thing coming up is PROM!! woot woot!

Hmmm. Its bittersweet finishing the semester. I'm gonna miss so many of my friends. =(
But I guess life has to go on right? Can it just hold on for a little while so I can hang on to the memories just that one moment? Well, a girl can wish right? =)

I know a lot of you are asking why I still in love? hanging on, well I just can't answer you. No matter how much of a jerk he has been, I still find myself going back to him everytime. Maybe I just don't want to let go of the person I first fell in love with. Okay, everyone has said that he did change and I've noticed and I don't know. I guess when he leaves it would be easier? I'm hoping it will be.

Its the end now,
I don't know when
or whether I'll see you again,
But thanks for all the memories!

I'm listening to
I Never Told You- Colbie Cailat

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