Friday, May 21, 2010

The Way We Roll

For Victor's birthday, the awesome foursome plus the other one (Fish), took him to BBQ Plaza in Sunway Pyramid. We initially wanted to go to Lakeside Campus there to chill, since everyone's saying that its a cool place to hang out and take pictures, a other reason why we avid cam-whorers wanted to go, but it was raining so hard that we decided to go to Sunway instead. We didn't take a lot of pictures but those that we took are in Facebook. I'm too lazy to upload it here. XD.

Oh yeah, before that, the awesome foursome bought him a Secret Recipe Oreo Cheese slice of cake but only celebrated after class cause by the time Nat and I had come back from getting the cake the presentations already started.

That's pretty much about what we did for his birthday!

I really hope you enjoyed it Victor! =)

P/S : I'm down with a very bad sore throat. How bad you may ask? Its so bad that I can't even shallow without feeling painful and I sorta lost my voice. It seems to be better now that I had some warm soup for lunch. Still as painful and swollen but more bearable. XD. I'll add more colour to the post later on. I'm just too lazy now. =P


I'll just make this a two in one post.

Anyways, as you can see from my P/S from above. I'm obviously having a sore throat. I went to have a nap when I came home cause everyone's saying like ohh, you're sick you must rest more. and so I did. and guess what? I felt even worse after the nap then I was before.

I woke up with a body ache and fever. Just as I woke up my mum came home so she took me to the doctor and even the doctor was surprised to see how bad my sore throat is/was. He was like, "Oh so bad until your voice also change ar?" and after checking my throat, he was still surprised at how swollen it was. XD

So he asked me to "forget about eating fried or spicy food" and gave me some meds.

From my P/S note above, I said that it was hard for me to shallow right. Its just weird but the doctor gave me some meds that are big. Like what the heck?!?! Shallowing my saliva hurts what more shallowing these pills. =_='.

Anyways, like Jess said. Its not the doctor that makes the meds. But couldn't he prescribe something not so big? XD

So yeah. That's pretty much about it.

P/S : awwww. He takes such good care of me and cares about me so much that it makes me feel all fuzzy on the inside. =) He proves to me over and over again why I love being with him. ;)

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