Friday, March 26, 2010

An Awesome Couple of Days.

So I'll give you a breakdown of what interesting things happened to me this week.

Wednesday - I went out with Evelyn Quek Hui Jiun, Sio Leng Hue, Adrianna Jane, and Victor Tan. Unfortunately, Natasha Falina was sick with the rashes. =S. So the day started of with all of us being late except Victor. XD. Haha. I met up with him to go get presents for Leng Hue and Evelyn, I mean Hui Jiun. We got a stuff toy dog for Leng Hue, a phone keychain and necklace for Hui Jiun. After running almost everywhere to get their presents, we went to get cupcakes from Cup Cake Chic as birthday cakes. Victor and I lied to Leng Hue and Hui Jiun that we both were going to be late, and they actually believed us. Haha. After I finished speaking to Leng Hue, not to long after that Hui Jiun called Victor. I was on the verge of laughter and both Victor and I felt like convicts running from the police. =P. So we got everything done, met up at McD's then went to Pizza Hut for makan. We surprised both of them with the presents and cup cakes (well, technically only Leng Hue was surprised cause Hui Jiun already suspected and according to her, she can't be surprised. haha. We'll see!! XD) After that, we had a little photo session and proceeded to the Skating Rink where we met Adrianna Jane. =). Awesome skating session!! Everyone skated like a pro making me feel like some noob who doesn't wanna stray to far from the side. =_='. So anyways, after that we went back to the counters there and kinda hung around at the sofa's and well, camwhored some more. hehehehe. Leng Hue and her new DSLR camera snapping away our little session. ;) (Awesome shots by the way. =D). That was pretty much the day.

Thursday - Hung out with Kat and Justin in Berjaya Times Square. Where epic moment of the week had taken place.

Kat : Errr. Where is Times Square?
Lady : You are in Times Square.
Kat : Oh. And where's the Times Square thing *fingers going round and round in the air*
Me and Lady : Theme park.
Kat : Ahh yes!
Lady : Oh. Its on the fifth floor near McDs.
Kat : Okay. Thank you.

So yeah. We went to the Cosmo Theme Park and being crazy enough to follow Kat, she led us to one of the scariest rides. The one that does the whole rocking boat thing and does the whole 360 turn (if you get what I mean. I don't know what you call those kinda rides). Then next was the thingy that goes round and round really fast. It was sorta scary at first then it ended up being really fun. Went on to bumper cars, arcade games, and this thingy that looks like some kiddy ride but turns out to be you going round and round so fast you're literally pushed to one side. (I pity Kat and Justin. Kat was being crushed by Justin and Justin was practically hanging on to the side railing for Kat's dear life. hahah. It was a funny sight to see.) Yeah well, that ride kinda spoilt it all for us. We came of the ride dizzy and neck aches. We couldn't ride the roller coaster or I think we would have all puked. So we went back to the bumper cars where we bumped Kat so much that she was practically like a test-dummy. XD. During that ride, Justin somehow hit the steering wheel when someone had bumped him, and couldn't feel his lips after so we just hung around the empty food court and talked till we were like lets go eat la. We went to Wendy's to eat. Hung out there for a while then went for bowling. I scored a strike on my first bowl. Wooohoo! Go me! But still lost to Kat cause during the last game, I got zero! ='( . But it was still a fun game. We headed back to the Monorail station and I was suppose to meet my sister and both of them wanted to go to Bukit Bintang to walk around so they took the monorail to Bukit Bintang whereas I took to Raja Chulan (A name that, besides Imbi, fascinates Kat. hahah) So there we split up. Met up with my sister and her boyfriend. Blah blah blah. Back at the apartment, my sister's boyfriend brought his X-box so I played it till it was time for bed.

Friday- Got up at like 10+ . Brushed my teeth, did some work and played Xbox till it was time to meet my sister and dad for lunch. I got kinda lost a one point but kinda found my way back to the route my sister drew for me. Got lost in KLCC itself then my sister found me, helped her and her colleague to carry a box to the other side of KLCC then waited for her there to meet up with my dad. After meeting up, we went to eat Duck King or DucKing. (I'm not sure how you're suppose to spell it) Anyways, the duck there is not bad. Very pricy but quality wise, not bad. Decided to lepak in KLCC's Kino while waiting for my dad to finish work and follow him back, so walked there with my sister and yeah pretty much spent almost 2 hours there. I read about 50 pages of the Time Travellers Wife before my back was screaming for mercy. (There wasn't a proper place to sit, so I sat on the floor leaning against a shelve) Thinking back about the day, I kinda miss my sister. ='( . Yes, I know she comes back every weekend but still. Followed my dad back home. blah blah blah. Went out to change my specs (well the frame is still the same only the lenses are different so you can't see much difference). Dinner after and here I am.

So that was pretty much my awesome couple of days.

eeekkkkk. Some insect just flew right at me while I was typing the last sentence. I think its like some gold beetle or something. I tried throwing pens at it but it didn't move. ergghhh. grossness.

P/S : My awesome couple of days was spoilt but a very NOT awesome driving lesson. How am I gonna pass my test at the rate I'm going? =_=

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