Friday, March 5, 2010


I have no idea why I'm so tired so often. No, its not the hormones or whatever. I just feel really, err, how should I say it, drained?

I should start sleeping early again. Nowadays, no matter how hard I try to sleep by 10.30, latest 11 on days when I'm really tired, I still end up sleeping at almost 12. Damn!

Yesterday, I semi-tortured myself doing my assignment. I stayed up till like 2 doing my Individuals CCA Phase 2 (if you don't know what I'm talking about, refer to post before this) and its still NOT done and continued to torture myself by reading a book I need for my English CCA project, which isn't boring book (THANK GOD) so I didn't find it too tortorus reading it!! Arggh!! And I needed to get some stuff for college and stuff this morning, so I couldn't sleep all I wanted to. If you're wondering why didn't I just go in the afternoon or something, its because my mum wasn't free after 1.30.

I just came to a realization that the procrastinating I've been doing on some projects are coming back to hunt me. I have my Individuals CCA Phase 2, SPM results, Data CCA Part 2 which includes looking for people to do a survey (which I have to say looked easy at first and ended up becoming so freaking hard), and finish reading a BOOK for English to finish by this week. And the following week, I have a presentation due. ARGH!!!!

Well, this morning's shopping did help take the stress off a little. I got myself blue new folders, paper for college notes, pens, a book (The Lovely Bones) and some other stuff. I wanted to get a hoodie but we forgot to stop by the shop which I had bought my blue hoodie from, to see if there were any other choices. Oh well, another day I guess. =)

Goodnight people. :)

P/S : Thanks Xin Zhi for helping me yesterday. Appreciate it. It looks much better now. THANK YOU!! =D

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